Fitness For The Mind Auckland, Waiheke Island
“In your mind, you cannot fail - unless you think so.” - Coach Mel
Personal Wellbeing.
Mind Fitness
Everybody deserves to live their life with ease and flow. Mind Fitness builds your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a growth mindset rather than a limiting mindset. Build your Mind Fitness muscles to let your mind serve you instead of sabotaging you. Live your life flourishing instead of languishing.
Stanford lecturer Shirzad Charmin has created a unique six-week, app-based programme that supports participants to rewire their brain towards more ease, happiness and meaning in life. This was developed from breakthrough research in neuroscience, positive psychology, cognitive psychology and performance science, as well as performance data of 500,000 participants from 50 countries, hundreds of CEOs and their executive teams, Stanford students and world-class athletes.
Mel’s membership with Positive Intelligence® (PQ®) gives her committed clients preferable access to this programme. In addition, as your coach, Mel supports you every step of the way, from onboarding to finishing the programme. Mel is available to answer questions any time and provides weekly updates for preparation.
Within six to eight weeks of mental fitness training, results can be seen via MRI imaging:
- Increased grey matter in the PQ Brain region, home to your Sage (mental fitness muscles)
- Decreased grey matter in the Survivor Brain region, home to your Saboteurs (fear-based mental muscles.