Mindful Yoga Auckland, Waiheke
Online & In-Person Classes available
Personal wellbeing.
Yoga does not need a certain outfit for it to work on you; nor flexibility, strength, or balance. All this comes with practice. Yoga was developed thousands of years ago – not as a group activity for the masses, but as a framework to reach a life of meaning and bliss.
Mel has been a student of yoga for more than 35 years in different disciplines and teaches yoga like it was intended to – with the progress of the individual in mind. Everybody may have a different intent to practice and in Mel’s sessions, this is acknowledged.
Following the yoga tradition, Mel invites her students to set their individual intent for each session, which gets manifested by the practice of mindful movement, breathing, visualisation, and contemplation - Mindful Yoga.
With Mel yoga is joyful. She is certified by Dr. Madan Kataria in India to bring Laughter Yoga to the world.
Mel is a certified Hormone Yoga Therapist, trained by Dinah Rodrigues, Brazil to teach HYT - a natural solution to eliminate symptoms of menopause.
Mel teaches all ages. When you can breathe, you can do yoga with Mel. Enquire about Mel’s programs for Seniors, e.g. Chair Yoga.
Mindfulness & yoga
Here is a short Snap shot of Mel's Mindful Yoga Online. You will find the complete video in the Member Area.
Here is a 10 minute Mindful Audio Sequence on “Balance” for you to try.
Mel’s Styles of Yoga
The main focus is on mind-body awareness. Whilst Mindful Yoga can be very energetic and increases flexibility, strength, and balance, its purpose is to cultivate a natural state of ease and flow, using asana (movement and posture) as the vehicle in which to do so. After a mindful yoga class, the students feel calm, yet energised.
Mel reminds her students to create awareness for each moment on the mat and to observe the truth of what is happening at that moment. Through the practice of mindful yoga, students begin to notice and name their own patterns in thinking and moving - the first step toward any desired change.
Benefits of Mindful Yoga:
1. Physical strength, flexibility and balance
We move our spine in seven directions during warm-up, practise focused breathing, learn to trust our inner and outer voice, we stretch, twist and balance.
2. Developing the habit of awareness and self-enquiry
With mindful yoga, we learn to become consciously aware of habitual patterns and learn to stop and reflect before we react on auto-pilot. We learn to use our energy sustainably - we move, may face challenges, and then we pause, reflect and re-energise.
3. Build resilience to face the challenges of everyday life
Whilst in a challenging posture on the mat, we experience our ability to be resilient. This experience transfers into challenging situations off the mat - in real life.
4. Learn acceptance of circumstances we cannot control
Through mindful yoga practice, we learn to let go and accept situations for what they are, as opposed to what our thinking makes them to be.
5. Foster compassion and non-judgment for self and others
Mindful yoga increases our awareness and understanding of objective truth—of body, feelings, mind, the nature of reality—it deepens our recognition of inherent goodness in yourself and others
6. Learning tools to feel calm and energised
Not only do we feel calm after a mindful yoga class, we also learn how to use tools to create a sense of calm and vitality in our day-to-day life.
Mel teaches Mindful Yoga on Waiheke Island (Waiheke Island Resort Fridays 11 am/Koukoulee Mondays 9 am) and Online (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 8:30 am)
Hormone Yoga Therapy (HYT) is a holistic, therapeutic, energetic and reinvigorating method created by HYT Master Dinah Rodrigues, using a combination of elements from Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Chi Gong.
Mel was trained by Dinah Rodrigues in 2012 and since has been teaching this method to women who seek relief from the symptoms of Peri-Menopuase, Menopause or hormonally induced unwanted infertility.
HYT is an energetic sequence composed of dynamic postures combined with specific pranayama (vigorous breathing), aligned with a Tibetan energy circulation technique and relaxation with visualisation. The sequence takes about 35 minutes to practice from beginning to end.
The goal is to help the body reactivate and balance hormone production by itself.
The results are quick and directly proportional to the frequency of your HYT series practice.
Mel teaches this sequence for private groups or individually. It takes about 18 hours to learn the sequence, including its benefits, the impact of a balanced endocrine system on stress, reproduction and mood swings, relaxation techniques, and a greater understanding of peri-menopause and menopause.
Benefits of HYT:
1. Physical:
strengthens bones and muscles, including the pelvic floor, improves posture, improves flexibility and shapes the body.
2. Physiological:
activates hormonal function, increases organ vascularisation and harmonises organism functions.
3. Psychological:
combats stress, anxiety, fear, panic disorders, depression and insomnia.
4. Energetic:
activates personal energy, improving vitality and wellbeing.
Laughter Yog is an exercise program developed by Indian physician Dr Madan Kataria where anyone can laugh without relying on humour, jokes or comedies. It is practised in more than 110 countries.
Laughter Yoga combines laughter exercises with yoga breathing techniques (Pranayama) which brings more oxygen to our body and brain making us feel more energetic and healthy. Ten to 15 minutes of LY exercises can reduce stress, make your immune system stronger and keep your mind positive during challenging times.
This type of yoga is based on research showing that prolonged voluntary laughter provides similar physiological and psychological benefits as spontaneous laughter and other forms of cardio exercises. LY is usually done in groups, with eye contact and much playfulness between participants. Intentional laughter often turns into real and contagious laughter and has many benefits:
Elevates mood
Reduces stress
Improves immunity
Fosters resilience and a positive outlook on life
When Mel guided a Laughter Yoga in 2022, it made national news: Is forcing yourself to laugh in front of strangers worth it? (1news.co.nz)
Contact Mel today to find out how Laughter Yoga can be brought to you and your organisation
Chair yoga is a type of yoga that can be done while seated in a chair, making it ideal for those with limited mobility or have no time to go to a studio and want to pratice in the office. This makes Chair yoga perfect for Workplace Wellbeing, but is also perfect for seniors who want to experience the benefits of yoga but may not be able to participate in a traditional class, but seek to enjoy a fuller quality of life sustainably.
Benefits of Chair yoga:
improves mobility, strength, stamina and balance
reducing stress and promoting relaxation
invites physcial activity in a sedative lifestyle
creates fuller quality of life
beneficial for arthritis and coronary artery disease
Chair yoga is a great way for anyone to get the benefits of yoga without having to get down on the floor. It’s also perfect for those with limited mobility or balance issues. And, best of all, it can be done right from the comfort of your own home or office.
Enquire now about Chair Yoga can be brought to you or your organisation.
Get all the benefits of Mindful Yoga in the comfort of your home.
Join Mel's Mindful Yoga Online Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 am - 9:00 am and benefit from the extensive Mindful Yoga Library with our Simply B Mindful Yoga monthly plan.
Creating a mindful movement habit has many benefits to your physical and mental health. Mel facilitates the classes in a way that creates joy, connectedness, flexibility and strength. We go on different journeys together and through the library, you can revisit your favourite classes whenever you choose to. Mel also invites guest teachers, so Mindful Yoga Online never gets boring, and creates opportunity and fun.