How far does a smile go?

On Saturday we had visitors from Malaysia. It was fascinating to hear different perspectives and way of living. It is cold here in New Zealand at the moment (like 14 degrees Celcius cold in Auckland and 0 degrees in Palmerston North, that is cold for us...). Our visitors said when it is cold in Malaysia it is 29 degrees. When it is hot, it is 35 degrees... I am quite happy now that I can just wear a warm jacket. 

I met them on the market, my husband picked them up from the ferry, while I had a quick and refreshing swim in the ocean. I was a bit later than planned, but I knew they'll have a a good time at the market. When I arrived, I spotted two lovely humans I had not seen in a while (you know who you are). It made me smile, seeing them. I decided (without much thinking) to go for a hug and say hello. Just a few words and then I was on my way again. Smile still on my face, spring in my step. 

No effort really, but it made a difference.

That smile carried on and we had a gorgeous day with our visitors. 

It reminded me of the power of a smile - and that of human interaction.

I went to research it. A study by the University of South Australia confirms that the act of smiling can trick your mind into being more positive, simply by moving your facial muscles.

“When your muscles say you’re happy, you’re more likely to see the world around you in a positive way,” says Dr. Marmolejo-Ramos. They found in their research that when you forcefully practice smiling, it stimulates the brain's emotional center – which releases neurotransmitters to encourage an emotionally positive state. A ‘fake it ‘til you make it’ approach could have more credit than we expect.

How does a smile feel right now?

Can you try?

My invitation to you today:

  • Try a big and sustained smile - now

  • Notice how that feels.

  • You may want to try it when you feel unmotivated today or feel a slump and see what happens. 

Or maybe you want to go out of your way for a quick hello and a hug - just because.

You are worth it.

This is your time. 

With a smile on my lips




You Are Enough