
Past Friday we contemplated on how unpleasant encounters, situations and thoughts could be our greatest teachers by changing the perspective towards what we can learn about ourselves in all that. 

Past week at yoga we came across this quote from Ken Keyes Jr: 

To be upset over what you don't have...

is to waste what you do have.

Past year we did not think that by now we'd still miss out on what we used to know by the virus raging on our planet.  But here we go - most of us still cannot travel as we wish, be with the people we'd like to be with, pursue our hobbies or leisure the way we prefer or dine with or where we love to.

Spending our time thinking about this might make us even sadder and all sorts of unwanted emotions might crop up. There is so much we don't have right now. And yes, it is totally ok to acknowledge that. It is totally ok to acknowledge what you feel. Write it in a journal if you like or tell you friend over the phone or your companion while you’re walking. And then... change your perspective to gratitude.

What did come out of the travel not done? Maybe funds to renovate the kitchen or do more planting in your garden?

What did come out of not going to that seminar or yoga retreat or a change in your profession? Maybe a newfound daily routine at home or a new pursuit that lightens up your heart or the realisation that having more time for yourself is just what fills your cup?

What did come out of not going out for dinner anymore? Maybe a new appreciation of cooking or a change in diet?

Whenever we DON'T DO or DON'T HAVE something we want, there is room for SOMETHING ELSE we can appreciate or LEARN to appreciate once we notice it. 

It is about how much TIME, THOUGHTS and EFFORT we put into either MISSING what is not or APPRECIATING what is. 

There is only ONE PERSON who can control how to spend the TIME, EFFORT and THOUGHTS!

As always - start with small steps. Make your new perspective attainable. 

My invitation to you this week:

Whenever you find yourself dwelling on WHAT YOU DO NOT HAVE:

The 3Cs:

⦁ Catch your perspective - acknowledge what IS rocking your boat and write it down or mention it to someone (instead of churning it over)

⦁ Change your perspective - See what else IS there in your life to be grateful for.

⦁ Celebrate your new perspective - actively being present with what IS in your life or inviting into your life that brings you joy, contentment or peace.

I wish you a week full of the richness of what IS !

With kindness




